Mercies In Disguise

Mercies In Disguise:

Recently, Laura Story, the writer of the song “Indescribable”, released a touching new song called “Blessings”, the lead single of her album of the same name.

It’s one of those songs which you just want to play over and over again, and that’s what Rachel and I have been doing.

For us, the chorus has been rather moving:-

“Cause what if Your blessings come through raindrops;

What if Your healing comes through tears,

What if a thousand sleepless nights are what it takes to know You’re near –

What if trials of this life are Your mercies in disguise?…”

Sharing the story behind the song, Laura investigates,”Could God possibly be blessing us by not giving us the things we’re praying for?”

Bob Gass reminds us, “To get the best out of God’s creation it’s essential there are three other seasons on top of the sunny one.

The same is true of the seasons in our faith life.”

Yes, that’s right!

As for us, in spite of all the obstacles, throughout the course of our Christian walk, had Rachel and I been expecting a journey without any hard times, pressures, or problems, then of course we’d be disappointed.

Realistically, both of us are aware that some of the hard times have been necessary to meld us into whom we’ve become.

And we give thanks to Him for developing and strengthening us in a manner that brought about the transition of who we are today. And we’re still on that special journey with Him!

Whether one is a Christian or not, each of us, no matter who we are, experience difficulties almost beyond our ability to endure.

Quite often we find these painful challenges and problems creating demands that are a great effort to bear and overcome.

Just because we’re Christians, doesn’t mean we have freedom from obstacles in life! There’s no such immunity for anyone!

Storms know no boundaries!

But, thank God, He knows what lies around the corner and because He’s all knowing – He helps us to get ready for every season.

Indeed, the Psalmist sums it up in the New Century Version:-

Even if I walk through a very dark valley, I WILL NOT BE AFRAID because YOU ARE WITH ME.

What an insight!

What an idea!

What if trials of this life, the rain, the storms, the hardest nights, are His mercies in disguise?

Now, that’s something to think about.

Psalm 23:4

Blessings, by Laura Story – You Tube.

Story Behind The Song.

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