Time To Forgive:
At sometime or another, there’s a strong possibility we will see resentment, impatience, misunderstanding, jealousy, rejection, difference, unforgiveness and so on.
No doubt, we’ve all known and experienced these things!!
Some of us may have held back a thought or feeling about something or someone.
Others have tried to create scandal by reminding people of some forgotten event.
O boy! What behaviour!
By contrast, in order to receive God’s peace we need to live clean-handed.
Yes, that’s right! If we live as our human nature tells us to, we have our minds controlled by what human nature wants.
However, if we live as the Holy Spirit tells us to, we have our minds controlled by what the Holy Spirit wants.
To be controlled by human nature results in death; but to be controlled by the Holy Spirit results in life and peace.
So dear friends, let’s agree to use all our energy in getting along with each other. Help others with encouraging words; don’t drag them down by finding fault.
Ahem! I cannot accentuate this any more. But, I’ll say it again anyway. “Don’t drag them down by finding fault!” How easy it is to criticize!
Don’t rake up the past!
And don’t fall into self pity, or try to rationalize your own behaviour.!
If you’re reluctant to forgive – it becomes a blockage to what God wants to do in your life.
Friends, one of the things we must learn, and is absolutely vital to knowing and accepting forgiveness, and having the willingness to forgive others – is recognising how we arrived at this point – and realising how things appear to all concerned.
There’s no point in holding grudges. No point in harbouring bad feelings.
What do we gain? Nothing!
Know this; if we carry on regardless, – it is impossible to experience God’s peace and tranquility!
In truth, if we do not forgive others, then our Heavenly Father will not forgive the wrongs we have done.
It’s time to let go, and time to move on.
Time to stop blaming, and time to forgive..
– And then, accept His forgiveness for what you have done.
You don’t have to carry the weight of who you’ve been.
You’re forgiven!
Now, that’s something to think about.
Matthew 6:12
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