Our Fellowship:
We Support Pastors Ollie & Jen hall, and the folks at Hemsworth Christian Fellowship – also known as The Springs.
“The place where honest friendships share a journey of spiritual growth-in the Father’s love.”
It’s here where we remain excited about being with people, getting to know them, learning to love them and sharing life together.
You’ve guessed it, we love investing in people.
Unfortunately, due to multiple health issues, we are unable to attend in a regular way without variation.
But we look forward to the focused home group held at our home.
Hemsworth Christian Fellowship are members of Partners in Harvest, a network of churches relating to Catch The Fire Ministries. They are also members of the Evangelical Alliance and connected with the Ground Level network of churches.
“Touching Heaven, Changing Earth.”
Please visit the Hemsworth Christian Fellowship web pages to discover more.
Hemsworth Christian Fellowship, Southmoor Rd, Hemsworth, West Yorkshire.