When Unconditional Love Becomes Unimportant

When Unconditional Love Becomes Unimportant:


“I’m not going to forgive them until they say they are sorry,” could perhaps be one of those outbursts you hear in the playground.

In other words, unless they repent, I’m not going to grant forgiveness!

Yet, surely this signifies that unconditional love becomes unimportant.

It’s meaningless!

But, consider this:

If we are to believe the account of Jesus washing the disciples feet as an act of holiness, not hygiene, then unconditional love is absolutely essential.

You see, Jesus didn’t just wash a handful of the disciples feet.

He didn’t just wash the feet of Peter alone.

No, He also washed the feet of, Judas.

Yep, Judas, the one who would double cross Him.

Jesus knew Judas’ heart, but washed his feet anyway.

No one was left out.

Now ponder on this:

When Jesus told the story of the lost son, just imagine what the father was doing.

He was looking from a distance.

Hoping, believing that his son would return to the place where he had been before.

If we are to believe that the father represents our heavenly Father, then this is truly amazing.

Why, even before the son had completed his turn-around experience, the father saw the need, and was ready to accept him back home.

While the son was still a long way off, his father saw him coming.

Filled with love and compassion, he ran to his son, embraced him, and kissed him.

Listen up!

Our heavenly Father sees our need.

And He provides for that need.

That’s unconditional love.

That’s forgiveness.

It’s as easy, and as complicated as that!

Now, remember when Jesus was on the cross:

Can you recall His request?

“Father, forgive them.

They don’t know what they’re doing.”

Come now.

Hear with intention!

There was no pre-requisite here.

Grace was shown.

Think about it:

How foolhardy it is to ask for grace when we are unwilling to give it!

And, if we’re reluctant to forgive – it becomes a blockage to what our heavenly Father wants to do in our lives.

So friend, it’s time to forgive, let go, and move on.

Come on!

Put a spot-light on the importance of unconditional love.

High-light the need for forgiveness.

Set each other free.

Oh, my!

After all: Forgiveness is unlocking the door to set someone free and realising you were the prisoner!1.

David Prince: Full-time Husband To Rachel – Writer Of Stuff – Receiver Of Grace – Drinker Of Tea – & Hearty Neighbour.

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Meet Rachel.

Committed to loving God and loving people.

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1 Quote by Max Lucado.

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