Doodle Your Best

Doodle Your Best:

Howdy friend,

There was a time when I had the ability to do aimless drawings.

Sure, I would also spend endless time sketching and painting.

When at college, I wouldn’t say I was the top student, there was certainly room for improvement.

All the same, graphics was a subject that I found pleasurable.

However, as the years past by, circumstances of the day gave way to composing music and words into song.

Yet, for some, my music can be rather like Marmite.

You know, that sticky, dark brown food paste found in distinctive, bulbous glass jars.

You either love it, or hate it!

In fact, regarding my music, someone once openly remarked:

No wonder you never saw a revival in Wales – especially if you played like that!

Oh my!

To think, “my” piano technique held the key to a revival in Wales.

What an amazing prospect!

Anyhow, later, as my situation changed, I began to direct my attention to writing reflections and words of encouragement.

And okay, I know that the way I group words grammatically into sentences, clauses, and phrases could appear kinda unique.

Still, my aim is to engage and intrigue everyone right where they are.

What a task!

To use words accurately and well.

But this is something I enjoy:

Using words.

For me, it’s like taking a leisurely walk in the park.

A breeze.

And this is my point for this day:

Even if you don’t have more information after reading this encouragement, hopefully, you will have more experience.

You see, precious friend, God is in the business of turning things around.

If you’re looking for a God-ordained promise right now, then this could be the encouragement you need:

I’m not saying you won’t hit hurdles, or be confronted by obstacles.

Those will often come.

And criticism will always be around the corner.


Some people just love pointing out faults or short-comings.

For others, they brushed you aside long ago.

But wait!

“You can” get through this, even though it won’t be easy.

Yes, God will use your difficulty for good.

Only don’t be devoid of good sense or judgment.

Don’t be gullible or clueless.

Don’t be a door-mat either.

And please, please don’t have the feeling that everything is wrong and nothing will turn out well.

Don’t become sluggish or lethargic.

Don’t grumble.

Understand this, with God’s help, “you can” get through this.

Remember, one bad chapter doesn’t mean it’s the end of the book!

Equally, one wrong note doesn’t mean it’s the end of the song!

You can be confident that God is able to orchestrate everything to work toward something good and beautiful.

Simply love Him and accept His invitation to live according to His plan.

And listen, I’ve said it before, and it’s worth saying again:

Never chuck-up the sponge!

God never pulls the plug on you!

He’s passionate about you.

He sticks right beside you all the way.

So, doodle your best.

Love what you’re doodling.

Put your heart and soul into it.

Define your goals.

Let “today” be a doddle.

Know what’s important.

Look for the best in others.

And help them with encouraging words.

Say yes!

Well now, if this message has impacted, inspired or encouraged you, please click the recommend button found before this post.

Thank you.

David Prince: Full-time Husband To Rachel – Writer Of Stuff – Receiver Of Grace – Drinker Of Rooibos Tea – & Hearty Neighbour.

Meet David.

Meet Rachel.

Romans 8:28

The Voice Bible.

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Last Modified: 11 June 2014.

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