Audacious Community

Audacious Community:

Well, talk about impact!

Over the last few days, I’ve been struck by the actualisation of living stones.


I know, that may sound painful.

But let me explain.

Firstly, I want to present you with a picture of Jesus who is the corner-stone of our Christian community.

He is the “meat and potatoes” of our faith.

Some would say: Our sustenance.

Our strength and resource.

He’s the essential ingredient.

Now we’ve got that sorted, just imagine a large residence with many family rooms.

Not one room, but many.

Now envisage a family unit within each room:

A group of people who share similar beliefs and activities.

Now form a mental image of each family unit built with living stones:

Yeah, you’ve got it!

We are those living stones.




Marked by lively actions.

Rough at times, sure.

But, other times, smooth.

Some lacking symmetry or attractive form.

Others, seemingly, the right size and the right shape.

All, unique.

Still, as living stones, we rub together until we fit together completely.

Oh, my!

Sure-enough, it is only when we brush against one another or are forced to do so, that we learn what ardent love and audacious community are all about.

And yep, I know, we can often be portrayed with strong enthusiasm.

Not subject to normality.

Having a strange reputation.

Prone to do, or be something different.

Yet, Jesus is the basis of who we are.

He’s the corner-stone of the large residence.

He’s the key component of family.

He holds everything together.

It’s because of Him, we are able to adapt and adopt and to work together with a strength or power greater than average or expected.

Remember, we are marked by richness.


So much passion has gotten inside us.

Okay, our room may not be your room.

Our home may not be where your heart is.

We may not be your cup of tea.

But, as followers of Jesus, “every individual” is part of one big big family.

And so, we face the journey, together, with courage.

How venturesome is that!

Living stones.

Flexible, concrete.

Being real, authentic.

An audacious community of people.

Filled with ardent love.

Moving from the inside out.

Reaching to the heart of others.

Sharing life together.

That, my friend, is Koinonia!

Yes. Oh, yes!

Well now, if this message has encouraged you, please click the recommend button found before this post.

Thank you.

David Prince: Full-time Husband To Rachel – Writer Of Stuff – Receiver Of Grace – Drinker Of Tea – & Hearty Neighbour.

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Meet Rachel.

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Last Modified: 30 June 2014.

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