This And That

This And That:

Have you ever thought you’ve got your work cut out?

Well, spare a thought for one of our common garden friends.

Apparently, the male Wren – a small active brown bird of the northern hemisphere – builds the basic structure of about “twelve” different nests, and later, his Mrs inspects them all, before choosing the “one” she wants.

Then busily, she begins to add the soft furnishings to complete the job.

I find this particularly interesting, especially here and now, as Mr and Mrs Wren have chosen to set up home on our property, right opposite our breakfast-bar window.

Imagine the great viewing early in the morning.

And the excellent description from Rachel, as I’m consuming my Manuka honey on toast – with a mug of Red Bush.

But that’s not all!

A pair of crimson faced Gold Finches have also built a nest in a conifer at the front of our home, right outside our bow window.

And an orange-yellow beaked Black Bird and his other half have established home in the shrubbery somewhere beyond the edge of our lower patio.

I could go on, as Green Finches have been seen squabbling and chasing each other around our colourful garden.

Then there’s the Robin, the starling, Blue Tits, Song Thrush and so on.

To have one pair of birds nesting on ones property is pleasing enough, but to have three or four, if not more, is a melodic blessing.

And this got me a thinking, again.

Some of us are never satisfied, it seems.

We’re always fair to middling.

Always about average, acceptable.

Neither good or bad.




But never completely satisfied!

For instance, this could be better.

Or that could be better.

We could spend more time on this.

Less time on that.

We haven’t got enough money for this.

And certainly not enough for that.

If only I knew how to do this.

If only you could do that.

So we worry about this and that.

But worry doesn’t achieve anything!

It doesn’t get us anywhere!

Remember what Jesus said:

Look at the birds, free and unfettered, not tied down to a job description, careless in the care of God.

We count far more to Him than birds.

You see, Jesus doesn’t express strong disapproval of reasonable concern for our obligations.

But rather, it’s the uninterrupted attitude of disquiet that squeezes out God’s opinion.

Uneasiness weathers, and removes God from tomorrows outlook.

Anxiety gravitates, and deals with doubt with under-sized faith.

Vexation tends to keep score of the situation – with a strong absence of consideration for God in the solution.

So, how do we solve this?

How do we equate that?

Well, Jesus urges us to pray for absolutely everything, ranging from small to large.

If we include everything as we embrace this God-life, we’ll get God’s everything.

Yes, that’s right!

God’s everything!

So, come-on friends.

Talk “with” God.

Pray with simplicity.

Open up before Him, keep nothing back.

He’ll do whatever needs to be done.

Sure, put Him in charge of your work,then what you’ve planned will take place.

Live carefree before Him.

He is most careful with you.

Believe Him!

Know you can trust Him!

Oh yes!

“This” is true!

And “That” is sorted!


Say yes!

Well now, if this message has impacted, inspired or encouraged you, please click the recommend button found before this post.

Thank you.

David Prince: Full-time Husband To Rachel – Writer Of Stuff – Receiver Of Grace – Drinker Of Tea – & Hearty Neighbour.

Meet David.

Meet Rachel.

Endorsement – by Ollie Hall.

Psalm 37:5

Proverbs 16:3

Matthew 6:26

Mark 11:24

1 Peter 5:7

The Message.

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Last Modified: 26 May 2014.

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