The Life Blood

The Life Blood:

The rustle of grinding coffee.

The aroma of buttered toast.

The flavour of freshly baked cup cakes.

The laughter in the company of others.

Honest friendships, solid relationships.

Responsibilities to one another:

Caring, sharing together.

Such loyalties to those on the inside of community – singled out as important.

For community as the place for us to rise and excel in God.

It is where our qualities and abilities begin to develop, and where we become stronger and grow together.

Briefly, this is the life blood:

Being with people.

Getting to know them.

Learning to love them.

And doing life together.

Sticking with the people, the real hurting people.

Helping them.

Making an impact.

Changing their world.

Displaying warmth and affection.

Reaching out.

Devoting our lives to one another.

Sharing in meals:

From breakfast, through to supper.

Praying “with” each other:

Between dawn, to the far side of dusk.

This, dear friends, is the life blood of community.

Knowing God’s reality.

Living the vibrant church.

Being a passionate people.

Setting the culture.

Glowingly for all to see.

Speaking life.

While keeping the Message relevant and clear.


A must!

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David Prince: Full-time Husband To Rachel – Writer Of Stuff – Receiver Of Grace – Drinker Of Tea – & Hearty Neighbour.

Meet David.

Meet Rachel.

Matthew 5:15-16

Let your good deeds glow for all to see.

Living Bible.

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Last Modified: 30 April 2014.

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