Staying Alive, Forever

Staying Alive, Forever:

Think back to that moment when you heard that knock at the door.

Now, just remember the joy when you reached the open doorway to find an old friend, or distant relative who had popped by without advanced planning.

For Rachel and me, it would be no problem.

Rachel especially, is inventive in hospitality.

However, I’m sure you would agree, some prior warning does help.

But imagine, envisage the moment if Jesus were to call by unexpectedly.

For that’s exactly what happened.

The charcoals were hot.

The freshly caught fish were a vibrant flesh – shiny and metallic.

One could sense the aroma of the fish as it began to barbecue over the open fire.

Soon done, the meal was ready – served with a drizzle of honey.

And that’s when it all happened.

That’s when the unexpected visitor arrived.

Right in the middle of the meal.

Right in full flow of the exchange!

Suddenly, from nowhere.

He appeared.

Oh boy!

At first, His followers did not recognise Him.

He looked familiar.

Could it be?

He seemed the same, but different.


That’s about as “on the nose” as it was.

It’s as simple and as complicated as that!

Remember, resurrection is not resuscitation.

It’s returning from death, to life eternal.

Revival in this context is like a wisp of fog.

But, resurrection is defeating death, and staying alive, forever.

Yet doubts were mingled with ardent joy.

Was this really the Saviour?

Sure-enough, they could see His wounds, feel them in fact.

How could this be?

It seemed too good to be true.

But then, Jesus asked, “Do you have anything here to eat?”

Oh my!

He wanted something to eat!

So they gave Him a piece of left-over fish with part of a honeycomb.

And guess what?

He ate it, right in front of their open eyes.

Wide-eyed, they watched.

Now, why is this significant?

Why is the fish and honey so important?

Was Jesus really hungry?

Was is resurrection body really in need of food?

Did He really need an energy boost?

No, I don’t think so!

But He needed to prove to His followers that He was the Real McCoy.

The genuine person.

He was no figment of their imagination!

No ghostly figure either!

But rather, the Risen Christ was down to earth.

Alive again.

Hearty and full of life.

His resurrection made way for a new dawn.

A new day.

A new life for all.

A new connection.

Listen up!

Feel the pulse of God.

Be touched by the power of His love.

With eyes to the sky, feet on the ground, have the courage to carry on.

Remain upbeat.

Be vibrant.


Have faith in Him.

For when God “lives and breathes” in us, He brings to our whole being new strength and vitality.

So, let’s say amen to that!


Yes, yes, yes!

Thank you.

David Prince: Full-time Husband To Rachel – Writer Of Stuff – Receiver Of Grace – Drinker Of Tea – & Hearty Neighbour.

Meet David.

Meet Rachel.

Luke 24:35-50

God loved the people of this world so much that He gave His only Son, so that everyone who has faith in Him will have eternal life and never really die.

John 3:16

Romans 8:11

Contemporary English Version.

King James Version.

The Message.

New International Version.

J. B. Phillips – New Testament.

Like a lighthouse to the nations – the Internet has become an excellent tool for us to use in sharing the message of Christ.

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