Whatever happened To The Secret-place?

Whatever Happened To The Secret-place?:

God can do some mega things in our lives as a result of prayer and fasting.

Agree? Agree!

Only, don’t get me wrong!

When we announce a corporate prayer and fast, it is not such a closed-door thing, but the blessings are still there because we have chosen to venture with God together.

But listen up!

This is my question:

Whatever happened to the secret-place?

You know, the time we spend with God our Father:

Without bringing attention to the encounter.

Without self-praise!

You and God.

Me and God.

No one else!

Away from the crowd.

Simply alone, but with Father.

That’s it!

In the secret-place.

Nothing can take the place of spending time alone with God.

Let me explain:

As individuals we need to draw close to our heavenly Father.

As we come close to Him, He will draw close to us.

And when we spend time with Him privately, we are rewarded openly.

And this is my point:

Do you remember when Jesus fasted for forty days and forty nights?

Well, after the fast, He was, as you can imagine, hungry, but He was also curiously stronger.

You see, success in the Christian life comes from having a close or warm relationship with our heavenly Father.

But that intimacy cries out for time in the secret-place.

And this was the practice of Jesus:

As often as possible He withdrew to “out of the way” places for prayer.

He stepped away from the focus of public attention.

Sure-enough, He took time-out to be with Father.

Likewise, we too need to be saturated in the presence of God to face the challenge.

Admittedly, forty days and forty nights may be somewhat a strain!

But if we spend some “appropriate time” alone with our heavenly Father, He will prepare us for greater things ahead.

These things are only realized through much prayer and fasting

Still, we will only accomplish this from being in the secret-place.

I do wonder at times though, if Jesus saw large audiences as a speed bump that delayed His progress.

Just envisage, He did everything He could to dodge them!

He found no problem in freeing Himself from the crowd.

But what about us?

Well, we have a tendency to see the great numbers as a success story.

For this reason, we go out of our way to bring them in.

And yes, we’re so thankful when they come.


But if we aren’t marked by the exercise of good judgment or common sense in practical matters, we become so exhausted in the process.

What an evaluation of differences!

Such insight!


In light of this, as sons and daughters, let’s pause where we are, and check ourselves.

Let’s discover the importance of the secret-place.

And here’s an extra bit of advice:

Whenever you feel swept up by the hustle and bustle that life brings, count to seventeen, and take a breather.

Oh yes, yes, yes.

Come on kids!

Let’s do it!

Take time-out with Father!


Embrace Him.

Sense His grace.

Regain strength!

Be energized again.

Say yes!

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Thank you.

David Prince: Full-time Husband To Rachel – Writer Of Stuff – Receiver Of Grace – Drinker Of Tea – & Hearty Neighbour.

Meet David.

Meet Rachel.

Isaiah 40:31

James 4:8

Luke 5:16

Mark 9:28-29

Matthew 4:2

Matthew 6:6

Matthew 6:16-18

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