Minds And Hearts:
Rachel and I live in a semi rural village in “God’s Own County.”
It’s here where we have a real sense of belonging, a genuine feeling of acceptance.
We’re so blessed. So happy.
And we particularly like welcoming guests to our modest abode.
Characteristically, Rachel takes great delight in being inventive in hospitality.
As for me?
Well, I simply love sharing life with friends.
Together, we enjoy the warm fellowship that our visitors embrace.
Yep, you’ve got it!
We love it when folks accept an invite.
But when friends turn up unannounced?
Listen, it’s simply cool – as long as they take us just as we are.
It is hoped, everyone will be encouraged, inspired and uplifted!
And as the length of time we invest in each other comes to an end, it’s wonderful when folks acknowledge the great time we’ve had in each others company.
And hopefully, everyone looks forward to the next get together.
So this got me a thinking, again.
Do you remember this commotion?
Can you picture the scene?
When Jesus got to the tree, He looked up and said, “Zacchaeus, hurry down. Today is my day to be a guest in your home.”
Zacchaeus scrambled out of the tree, hardly believing his good luck, delighted to take Jesus home with him.
As you can imagine, this superintendent of customs – a chief tax-gatherer, was very unpopular.
Truly, the general estimation that the people had for Zacchaeus was zilch!
Absolutely zero!!
Everybody knew everything about Zacchaeus!
But Jesus saw a big heart when others saw a little rich man.
And Jesus was more interested in his heart, than his so called notoriety, or the abundance of his wealth.
Jesus was interested as to where he was at.
And although Jesus accepted him as he was, He didn’t leave him there!
In fact, Zacchaeus had a first-hand encounter with the Saviour.
The tax-gatherer was changed from the inside out.
His unheralded change of heart was turned into a life that was right with God.
His seemingly small decision made a big difference!
Just envision the honesty of the dialogue.
For even when spectators pointed the finger, Zacchaeus declared, “Look, sir, I will give half my property to the poor. And if I have swindled anybody out of anything – I will pay him back four times as much.”
This was, of course, very generous, as according to the law, he only needed to make full compensation, and add twenty percent to it.
What a life change!
His mind and heart were put right.
He had a complete turn-around!
He found a new way of living life.
He was given a fresh start.
His changed life was for good.
Incidentally, the name of Zacchaeus actually means clean, pure, righteous one, or untainted.
Now, I bet that surprised you!
Today, many of us have an urgent need to be accepted by people, and we spend a large amount of time and effort trying to achieve such acceptance.
But you know, along with freedom and forgiveness, Jesus gives to all who choose to “follow” Him a favourable reception.
He shows all-out acceptance.
His acceptance changes everything!
That’s right!
He sets everything right.
And sure-enough, we’re blessed when we get our mind and heart put right, because then, we see God.
That is, He lavishly provides us with His own presence, working things in our lives we could never do for ourselves.
This, my friend, is awesome stuff:
Squarely inside the circle of God’s love and purpose.
Kept inside the range of His grace.
Such generosity.
Total acceptance.
In each other’s presence.
Now friend, if this message has encouraged you, please click the recommend button found before this post.
Thank you.
David Prince: Full-time Husband To Rachel – Writer Of Stuff – Receiver Of Grace – Drinker Of Tea – & Hearty Neighbour.
Leviticus 6:1-7
Luke 19:1-10
Matthew 5:8