Not Kids Anymore

Not Kids Anymore:

I must admit, my heart kinda skipped a beat as I heard the following statement:

“Some people seriously need to grow up, we’re not kids anymore!”


But wait!


Since when?

Who said?

What if I don’t want to grow up?

What if I’m quite content being a kid?

Anyway, at what point does one stop being a kid?


Aren’t we kids forever and a day?

Be honest!

But hang-on!

Pay close attention!

In my word book, the meaning of a kid, other than being a young goat, is a young person.


So, can’t we run around like kids anymore?


I do!



Sort of.

[In my dreams!]

Anyhow, can’t we be full of fun and high spirits?









You bet!

I am!

And I don’t care!

I’m a big kid.

And I love it.

And I reckon my Papa does too!

There’s no doubt about it!

He loves kids.

And He loves kids stuff.

He loves me.

And He loves me to bits.

He loves life.

And He loves life abundant.

Besides, what other result could there be?

Grow up?

What’s that?






Simply take in this:

I love my Papa.

And my Papa loves me.

We will stick together.

Our future starts today.

Papa and His kids.

Papa rules ok!

[By the way, anyone seen Methuselah?

I’ve found his grandsons boat.

Just kidding!]

David Prince: Full-time Husband To Rachel – Writer Of Stuff – Receiver Of Grace – Drinker Of Tea – & Hearty Neighbour.

Meet David.

Meet Rachel.

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