Looking For A Boat:
If we really want to do something, we’ll find a way.
If we don’t, we’ll find an excuse!
Reluctant is an interesting word which means having an unwillingness to do something contrary to ones custom, or unwilling to become involved, or not eager.
In fact, one could say, that due to such unwillingness, one could be looking for an excuse, or maybe, looking for a boat!
Yep, a boat!
You’ll always find an excuse when you need one!
Likewise, you’ll always find a boat!
The Bible tells us of a guy called Jonah who was looking for a way out.
He found a boat to take him to about as far to the west as most people of his day had ever ventured.
While Nineveh, the place where God instructed him to go to was about as far to the east as most people had ever gone.
Accordingly, Jonah ended up going in the opposite direction to where God had intended.
Whenever we run away from God, it’s surprising how a boat will always be waiting and available.
Anyhow, Jonah was resistant to guidance, refused to comply with God’s authority, and only had regard for himself.
Heading for a tourist destination along the Straits of Gibraltar, he fled far from God.
He avoided God’s instruction.
He had put the lives of everyone in the boat in a dangerous, disadvantageous, and difficult position!
Without doubt, Jonah’s journey from Joppa was in jeopardy!
For-sure, it wasn’t a smooth sailing and joy-filled experience!
Suddenly, jonah realised there was a greater cost to bear for chartering the calamitous cargo cruise.
This led to his being tossed overboard by sailors.
Thus, as an alternative to taking a vacation in Tarshish, he became completely enveloped by a large fish!
And so, seemingly stuck in his situation, Jonah was filled with disarray!
All “at sea!”
Listen, if we skedaddle from God, it will always come with a cost.
Know this, turning to God is always better than turning away from Him!
Still, to get to the guts of the story here, God heard Jonah’s anguished prayer, and eventually brought him to the designated sign-post.
Talk about second chance!
Imagine Jonah, wearing duty-free designer odour, dumped face first on some “water worn” pebbly beach!
What a land-mark moment!
Today, if you are facing a challenge, the answer isn’t found by talking terms with God!
It’s not found by ignoring Him either!
Instead, the answer is found in following the sign-posted with God’s decisions.
Remember, if we really want to do something, we’ll find a way.
Think about it.
If we move out of our comfort zone and simply share what we know about God, we could be “blown out of the water” by the amount of people who listen and pay attention.
In Jonah’s “larger than life” drama, the Message was shared with reluctance, but it still produced a striking effect.
We cannot guess who will accept the Message, but we should never hinder someone from having the chance!
Moreover, we may never fully comprehend just how far-reaching and extensive our actions could be if we are obedient to God.
We must not serve reluctantly, but be ready, and work with deliberate intention – from the heart, and with extreme joy.
The question remains, are we willing to make the right choice?
Just consider this, if we are obedient, God steps in with a lifetime of surprises, and performs some extraordinary things through us.
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Thank you.
David Prince: Full-time Husband To Rachel – Writer Of Stuff – Receiver Of Grace – Drinker Of Tea – Hearty Neighbour – & Internet Pastor:
E-mail david@newday-prince.me.uk.
Committed to loving God and loving people.
Sharing a New Expression of Church.