Improve Your Serve 2:
I guess one of the first priorities in ministry is asking yourself, who am I serving?
Why am I serving?
And how can I improve my serve?
Well pastors, I’ll let you answer the first two questions for yourself.
But one of the best ways to improve your serve is relating with other ministers.
And I don’t necessarily mean ministers within your own denomination!
Relational is the key!
Keep in mind, you use steel to sharpen steel, and one friend sharpens another.
Anyway, when I served as a pastor in the eastern valley of South Wales, one of the high-lights for me was meeting up with other like-minded ministers.
Once a month a fellow minister from another town would pick me up, and we would drive five miles over the mountain to meet up for a ministers breakfast.
Just sharing thoughts, experiences and apparent short-comings was a breath of fresh air.
It became a time to pause.
A safe-place to find-out, sound-out, check-out and share with friends..
The breakfast was a bonus!
Remember the first light of day was the end of a difficult and disheartening night for the disciples.
A whole night of work – and not a single fish was caught!
At the break of dawn, just as the sun was rising, they knew the night had been a profitless activity, and they will go to shore having gained nothing!
They were exhausted, and empty-bellied!
But then, something totally unexpected happened.
It all came to a promising stage when Jesus instructed the disciples to toss the net onto the right-side of the boat to see what would happen.
Then the miracle occurred.
Jesus gave them an extraordinary large catch of fish, 153 to be precise – and a barbecue breakfast as a bonus!
In light of this, let’s consider this great thought by Jeff Lucas:
Jesus cooked his weary friends breakfast.
Sometimes, we don’t need a prayer meeting, or a worship gathering – but a cup of tea and a bacon sandwich shared with friends.
Proverbs 27:17
John 21:6-12
David Prince: Full-time Husband To Rachel – Writer Of Stuff – Receiver Of Grace – Drinker Of Tea – & Hearty Neighbour.
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