Crazy Love

Crazy Love:

Friends, if you’ve ever mistakenly believed that God has too many things on His mind to be interested in you and your life, then, regard this as true beyond any doubt – He is crazy about you!

Yep! That’s right!

Face it, friends, He’s wildly in love with you!

He thinks you’re special!

Okay, you may have messed up! Never got it together!

But, as you call to Him, Father God, you’ll be sure of an answer.

He will never let you down, never looked the other way.

He is right there, listening.

In reality, your status cannot faze the character of God!

He’s reliable! Consistent! Trusty!

Authentic! Real!

He never changes!

His love is radical.



And yes, the rhythm of God’s grace is still in full flow.

He is so crazy about you, even when you’re oblivious to it.

Sure-enough, He is looking out for you, watching over you, covering you!

Now, that’s an awesome thought!

And here’s another:

The revelation of the Father heart of God is whole, and pulls our lives together.

Know this, you are unique, and deeply loved by our precious heavenly Father.

You are His child. His son. His daughter. His loved one.

A relationship with Him is the most important relationship you could ever have!

So, look Him, full in the face.

Confer recognition.

Receive His grace.

And-then, so engulfed in absolute crazy love – spread the news about Father.


Wake up, and smell the coffee!

And remember, you are important.

You are the focus of His love.

Yep, that’s it!

Right now, in this moment, God has you on His mind!

He is so lovingly crazy about you!


Now friend, if this message has encouraged you, please click the recommend button found before this post.

Thank you.

David Prince: Full-time Husband To Rachel – Writer Of Stuff – Receiver Of Grace – Drinker Of Tea – & Hearty Neighbour.

Meet David.

Meet Rachel.

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