Clown-like Perspective

Clown-like Perspective:

Sometimes we have an oblique opinion of God.

For instance, we may see Him as a toy consisting of a clown-like puppet – that springs out of a box once the lid is activated.

Other times, we shove God into the box – so we can contain Him.

We squeeze God into the box because we count on Him doing things our way.

We stuff Him into the box so we can feel in control.

But consider this, God is bigger than the box!

Face it, friends, He is greater than we could ever possibly imagine.

Larger than life!

Sure-enough, God doesn’t think the way we think.

The way we work isn’t the way He works.

“For as the sky soars high above earth, so the way God works surpasses the way we work, and the way He thinks is beyond the way we think.

In this context, don’t restrict God by your own regulations!

Don’t place limits on Him because of your own limitations!

Don’t try to decide how God should move – where and when!

Don’t strain to shut God in the box!

And don’t struggle in your own box either!

Instead, discard the lid!

Explore, and experience God outside the box.

Get rid of the box!!

Recognise who God is.

His name is Father.

That’s right!

He is no clown-like puppet poised to be activated – but rather, He’s our precious heavenly Papa.

He longs to have a relationship with each of us!

His desire for us is to enjoy freedom – with more and better life than we could ever dream of!

So, love life. Live loved.

And together, let’s stroll at leisure with Him in the sunlit fields of life!


Get a fresh vision for life!

Yeah!? Yeah!

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Thank you.

David Prince: Full-time Husband To Rachel – Writer Of Stuff – Receiver Of Grace – Drinker Of Tea – & Hearty Neighbour.

Meet David.

Meet Rachel.

Isaiah 55:8-9

John 10:10

Psalm 56:13

The Message.

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