The Stranger

The Stranger:

Have you ever been greeted with “Hello stranger ?”

Well, it’s “supposed” to be humorous, and said to a person that you know but have not seen for a long time.

It’s an interesting greeting, especially when we consider the definition of “stranger.”

A stranger is anyone who does not belong in the environment in which they are found.

For instance, an alien, an unknown, an interloper, an intruder, a trespasser, a foreigner, an outsider, and so on.

Still, you could almost expect confusion resulting from failure to understand – when Cleopas and his un-named companion came into contact with an apparent stranger:.

Let’s take a moment to remind ourselves of the encounter:

That same day two of them were walking in the countryside.1.

They were on their way to the village Emmaus, about seven miles out of Jerusalem.

They were deep in conversation, going over all the things that had happened regarding the crucified Christ.

In the middle of their talk and questions, Jesus came up and walked along with them.

But they were not able to recognize who He was.2.

For this reason, there was no greeting characterized by humour!

But rather, Jesus asked, “What’s this you’re discussing so intently as you walk along?”

They just stood there, long-faced, like they had lost their best friend.

Then one of them, his name was Cleopas, said, “Are you the only one in Jerusalem who hasn’t heard what’s happened during the last few days?”3.

And so, the two companions continued to up-date the stranger with their news.

Some moments later, they came to the edge of the village where they were headed – and Jesus acted as if He were going on but they pressed Him: “Stay and have supper with us.

It’s nearly evening; the day is done.”

So He went in with them.

And here is what happened: He sat down at the table with them.

Taking the bread, He blessed and broke and gave it to them.

At that moment, open-eyed, wide-eyed, they recognized Him.

And then He disappeared.4.


Imagine the predicament that Cleopas and his friend were in as they reviewed the whole incident.

Back and forth they talked. “Didn’t we feel on fire as He conversed with us on the road, as He opened up the Scriptures for us?”5.

What a surprise to suddenly realise who the stranger really was!

What an embarrassment!!



One can feel the frustration as we hark back to the episode.

Back and forth they talked.

How could they be in the presence of their best friend, and not recognize Him?


Friends, maybe you’re someone who’s been walking the walk for a while.

Maybe you’re a burdened traveller.

Whatever, know this, things are not always as they seem.

Open your eyes.

Take a fresh look.

The stranger is no stranger!

Lay your burden down.

Run in search of Life.

Know the sweet companionship of Jesus.

He’s the only way to the Father.6.

Amen? Amen!

1 Mark 16:12

2 Luke 24:13-16

3 Luke 24:17-18

4 Luke 24:28-31

5 Luke 24:32

6 Attributed to Jim & Elaine Haley.

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