One Hundred Percent Access

One Hundred Percent Access:


Howdy friend,

The message in Revelation 3 is to the Church at Laodicea, which was lacking energy, engagement, and joyful enthusiasm!

To put it bluntly, the Church was stale and stagnant!

As a consequence, Jesus says in verse 20:

Look at Me. I stand at the door. I knock. If you hear Me call – and open the door, I’ll come right in and sit down to supper with you.

Well, this scripture has often caused me to show particular interest, as quite frequently it is used as an invitation to receive Jesus Christ as ones personal Saviour.

Yet, without doubt or question, as we look at the set of facts and circumstances that surround the event, we realise that it’s written to lackadaisical and lethargic Christians who are in real need of re-igniting their love relationship with Him.

Interestingly, in William Holman Hunt’s painting, we notice that there isn’t a door-knob on the outside – which illustrates that the person inside needs to answer by opening the door.

Know this, as believers, we need to allow the Lord Jesus access in through the door of our hearts, and every part of our everyday lives.

Yep, every part – at home, at work, at school, at play!

Not just on Sunday, but through each and every day!

It’s not that He isn’t there, it’s just that He looks forward to our invitation.

He will not force His way in.

God only makes a home in the lives of those who have expressed willingness to have Him there.

What’s more, God is all knowing!

All the facts about us are known first hand by Him.

We can withhold nothing.

Even from a distance behind that closed door – He knows what We’re thinking.

He knows all about us.

Yep, wherever in this earth we are, He knows and sees everything about us.

Nothing is hidden!

Indeed, even in those difficult times, He reaches out to help us in times of need.

Yes, that’s right!

God, without complaining – reaches out to us to restore us into relationship with Himself – regardless of our faults, flaws or failures.

Okay, sometimes we may feel like we are rendered powerless by the circumstances that surround us.

For certain, life at times can be very tough.

And sure-enough, during those overall circumstances in life, including everything that happens to us – those tough times, and those moments of hardship, it can really be a support if someone were only there to reach out and help us.

But friends, if we listen carefully, we will realize that God is reaching out to give us an encouraging hand.


He’s standing and knocking at your door.

If you hear His voice and open the door, He will come in.

Come on!

Open the door into every part of your life – and let Him have complete access today.

Say, yes!

David Prince: Full-time Husband To Rachel – Writer Of Stuff – Receiver Of Grace – Drinker Of Tea – Hearty Neighbour – & Internet Pastor:


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Revelation 3:20

Psalm 139:1-6

The Message.

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