

In recent times; the fellowship where Rachel and I belong, began some new “cell-groups.”

I’m use to calling them “home-groups” or “house-groups.”

Some may know them as “care-groups,” “connect-groups,” “life-groups” or simply “small-groups.”

Whatever the name of the group, this inspired me to have a fresh look as to the place where home-groups began – where home-groups spring into being, and how they can be relevant for us today.

Anyway, in the first century, the disciples often got together in each others homes.

“Every day in the Temple and in people’s homes they continued teaching the people and telling the Good News-that Jesus is the Christ.”

For the reason that it was usual in that culture to come together in small groups, it was only normal for the disciples to assemble in the same way.

Today; many folks from a diversity of backgrounds, gather at individual homes for the aim of communicating their lives with each other – imparting skills or knowledge to each other, and developing collectively in their relation of mutual understanding or trust with God and with each other.

Home groups provide a safe-place, having or fostering a warm & friendly atmosphere; especially through smallness and informality.

They are a great place to find-out, sound-out, check-out, share, pray and make new friends.

In addition; I’ve personally discovered that the atmosphere is often enhanced with a cuppa tea or coffee and one of those delightful home-baked cakes. Delicious!

Through Bible study, worship & prayer, this can be the context and environment where Christians can get to know, practice, train & teach their talents & abilities.

It’s in such settings that folks can often become fully aware of others needs and act in a practical & sensitive way – to help resolve things.

Some groups have been known to home-in on the importance of social-concern within the life of the individual, as well as the wider community.

Furthermore; some churches have found that one of the most important reasons for home groups is for them to operate as an evangelistic outreach..

Yes, that’s right! “Reaching out for Christ, who has so wonderfully reached out for us!”

One of the best ways I’ve seen this accomplish much, is by putting on events such as a bar-be-cue.

Folks have even used the “Alpha” course as an evangelistic tool within the home-group environment.

As the home-group grows, many folks have seen friends who have never been to church, including family members and work-mates come to Christ. Amazing!

We are reminded from times back yonder, that the believers met together in the Temple every day. They ate together in their homes, happy to share their food with joyful hearts.

They praised God and were liked by all the people.

And guess what folks, every day the Lord added those who were being saved to the group of believers.

Praise Him!

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Thank you.

David Prince: Full-time Husband To Rachel – Writer Of Stuff – Receiver Of Grace – Drinker Of Tea – & Hearty Neighbour.

Meet David.

Meet Rachel.

Acts 2:

Acts 5:

The Message.

New Century Version.

Worldwide English.

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