

Every time you trust God’s wisdom and do whatever He says, even when you don’t understand it, you deepen your friendship with God. Rick Warren.

Since the beginning of Newday-Prince, we have been extremely delighted with the way this ministry has developed.


Because we are making so many new friends.

Indeed, each and every day seems to bring someone new, someone special across our path, and we are blessed.

Who knew, in the beginning, what God had in store for us?

Only God!

And guess what, the journey continues.

As we enter into another new chapter, we hope, trust and pray that our friendships will continue to develop and grow – and that through the ministry of Newday-Prince, new friendly relationships will form.

So, listen up!

We are dedicated exclusively to seeing friends find a new way of living:

Helping them to discover the very existence of the Father’s love:

Encouraging them in their daily walk with Jesus:

And watching how their lives brim-over with Holy Spirit blessings.

For this reason, we ask that you pray for us as we share this confident message.

Now friend, if this note has encouraged you, please click the recommend button found before this post.

In doing so, you could encourage a friend.

Go on!

Be a blessing!

Thank you.

David Prince: Full-time Husband To Rachel – Writer Of Stuff – Receiver Of Grace – Drinker Of Tea – & Hearty Neighbour.

Meet David.

Meet Rachel.

E-word Collection.

Like a lighthouse to the nations – the Internet has become an excellent tool for us to use in sharing the message of Christ.

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God appointments are awaiting us each day – at home, at work, at school, at play. So, if you’ve been inspired by this E-word Communicator – please click the recommend button on this page.

Thank you for being a part of our ministry. We appreciate your support, just knowing you are praying for us is a great encouragement.

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